All for Logan
Friday, July 18, 2008
I hope this works!
I figured I would create a blog too, since everyone else has one... Just hoping that it's used enough to keep me in contact with everyone (since I seem to have that problem).

Most everyone has got my updates through email but I thought it might be easier to update on this :D

So I'll go ahead and repost my "Logan Update"

Ok, I kind of expanded a bit in the past week, can you tell?!
This is a 22 and a 23 week picture...

Everything is going great, Logan is now 1lb 3 oz and growing more and more everyday (obviously). We got the ultrasound picture of his face but he moved at the last second so it's just a picture of his facial structure, maybe next time when he's not so hyper haha.

Also, Aaron and I took "nicer" pictures so I"m including one of those too:D

Hope all is well with everyone, it would be nice to hear back! Love you all, take care
Slid down the rainbow at 12:30 AM 1 comments
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